About Us
Welcome to University Academy - Longview!
Hello, my name is Rachel Hawkins and I am the Director of the UT Tyler University Academy at Longview. Each year, we celebrate National School of Choice week by opening our campus and inviting interested families to learn more about us. This year we are excited to take you on a virtual tour of our campus.
The University Academy is a University Lab School serving students in Kindergarten through 12th grade. With a strong STEM focus, we offer students courses in engineering, biomed, and computer science. Through Project-Based Learning, our students are consistently engaged in real-world learning experiences that challenge them to think creatively and critically. Additionally, we utilize Personalized Learning which gives students more ownership over their education.
Beginning in 9th grade, students who are eligible students may be enrolled in dual credit courses through UT Tyler. Throughout high school, students can potentially earn 45 dual credit hours.
In addition to academics, we offer extracurricular activities such as Robotics, Student Council, Yearbook, UIL, Model UN, Band, 4-H Gardening and Cooking.
We believe in providing students a supportive, encouraging, and safe learning environment utilizing flexible, engaging inquiry-based curriculum techniques to prepare them to be productive and successful citizens. Additionally, we are committed to helping our students develop strong interpersonal and intrapersonal skills through the implementation of the Leader in Me Program.
UTTUA Longview